Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 02 February 2012

DGM HQ A very cold



A very cold morning along the valley.


Mr. Stormy is in, David is in. The Kitchen Discussion began with seeking solutions to the current Eurozone crisis, over tea and coffee-making.
Q:    What is the primary characteristic of an insoluble situation?
A:    It is insoluble.

Oil and water do not mix, although they may muddle along.

Moving on: public responses to the derelict conduct of those in positions of responsibility. What seems to have changed in the public perception is, that actions judged by the criterion of it’s not illegal! is an insufficient justification for behavior that is not right. The criterion for behavior is, is this Right Action? Notions of Good Practice, let alone Best Practice, are rarely raised to justify the excesses of bonus culture, for example. Let’s hear it for distributive justice?

The Four Pillars of The Ethical Company


transparency + straightforwardness = honesty
accountability + owning-up = responsibility
distributive justice + fairness = equity
common decency = goodwill

10.03    To an important member of the extended DGM Team…

it is difficult for me to come to any judgement on this because i do not know what your friend did / did not do. clearly, he did something that was not right.

it is of little concern to me that people make mistakes. it is of great concern to me that people recognise and acknowledge that they have made mistakes; and then seek to make amends to the injured parties.

so, what mistakes did he make, that he recognises, acknowledges, and what are his plans to deal with the consequences of his actions?

i have been told that at first he denied wrongdoing, then he acknowledged wrongdoing, then he modified this position and engaged a lawyer to mitigate his position.

but, i remain uninformed as to what happened. i don't want excuses, denials, evasions, mitigations: to make a judgement, i need to know what happened. what happened, please?

10.59    Kitchen Discussion with cake…


… covering a broad range of current concerns. Conclusion:

Redeem human nature and the music industry will be fine.

That’s all right, then: we have an aim.

So, this is now a practical matter. To transform human nature, I can only begin with myself: personal transformation. So, I know where to begin. There are practices and techniques available in many traditions. All I need to do is find the tradition that speaks to me; or, more accurately, hear the one that is already calling.

The Gates of Paradise.   

Love cannot bear that any soul is barred from finding its place in Paradise.

The variety of natures seeking entry, even those who deny the possibility of Paradise, requires a variety of Gates. Grace provides a Gate suited to each and every soul that approaches with sincerity and determination. Some Gates comprise challenges which provide necessary conditions for souls whose natures are not perfected, and which act by using the imperfection as a means of transformation. The greater the seeming imperfection, the greater the possible transformation.

It is said that some Gates have signs over them, marked "Humility", "Sacrifice", "Service", "Suffering", and that the queues outside such Gates are very short.

Perhaps Paradise is not what we expect it to be, and may itself be a Gate.

18.45    In the Chamber of Venality, a day of heroic dealings with stuff.

David has had another creative day – hooray! - and now left.

Here, an evening of computing ahead.

00.39    Enough. It waits…

